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Carolina’s Ayurvedic approach to good health and wellness is to maintain and enhance your health and well-being by reducing symptoms, restoring balance, increasing self-understanding, encouraging prevention, and facilitating healing at all levels, and along with you in your journey will create a customized program for healing. She will guide you and empower you and support you, and educate on the journey back to optimal health and well-being. 

It can take anywhere from three to twelve months depending on the nature of the imbalance and the level of your commitment to make changes and restore balance to health. Most people start seeing positive changes in their symptoms within a week or two of applying the suggestions and recommendations.

Initial 2.5 Hour Consultation : $345

Follow Up Visit: $245

4 visits in 2 months: $600

All services can be in person or online.

Yoga with Carolina is detailed and slow paced with modifications given as needed to meet a students’ interests, physical conditions, and age. She provides undivided attention. Students are provided the basics of home practice, and the empowerment of continuing that practice. Yoga helps to connect to ourselves, to engage more fully in life, and to remember who we are. Over the years, Carolina has been in the presence of many gifted teachers who have influenced and guided her, and she hopes to provide the same experience for her students.

Yoga classes begin at $25

Viniyoga Therapy or one-on-one sessions $145

Packages are also available.



Reiki is a Japanese word where “Rei” represents universal life and “Ki” represents energy. Together they are interpreted as spiritual consciousness. Reiki helps promote healing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes by understanding the relationship of the mind and body. 

Reiki treatments can promote natural self healing, reduction of stress, encourages relaxation, balance the energies within the body (chakras), balance organs and glands, release blocked or supressed feelings, meditation and positive thinking, strenghthening of the immune system, reduces pain, clears toxins, and alleviates mood swings. It can bring a calmer and more peaceful state of being. Reiki can assist during the grieving process and other types of emotional distress. 

The Usui System of Reiki Healing is a natural method of hands on healing with light touch and long holds to help the client release tension and stress patterns. This universal energy is channeled through the practitioners hands for self treatment for the sole purpose of healing. Private consultations are tailored to your specific needs.  

Reiki 45-60 minutes $145.


Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old science that originated in India. The components and concept of Ayurveda are rooted in Vedas, the ancient book of knowledge that dates back to around 3,000 B.C. The component of the science that deals with health and disease is known as Ayurvedic medicine and came into existence around 1,000 B.C.

This ancient art of healing modality asserts the science, philosophy and spirituality are necessary aspects of healthy living. Ayurveda is not only a comprehensive medical system but also is a way of living the  concept of “mind, body and spirit” originates from Ayurveda, and today is one  of the most recognized, widely practiced disciplines of alternative medicine in the world.

At first we will have the initial two hour consultation then follow-up visits on a weekly or bi-weekly basis in order to sustain the momentum of the changes. In every visit we will review your progress, integrate more therapies and practices as needed, or do modifications if necessary understanding your present condition, your personal potential, and your appropriate goals to achieve ultimate wellness. 


Treatment will consist of:

Dietary recommendations and guidelines for your constitution

Lifestyle practices & suggestions

Therapies e.g. Aromatherapy, yoga sessions, Marma therapy, sound therapy, etc. 

Herbal Formulations – customized herbal formula made from fresh organic grade herbs. The price of the formula will depend on the ingredients and quantity.

Some of the tools of Ayurveda are meditation, yoga, chanting, breathing exercises (pranayama), diet, panchakarma, massage, and herbs.

Yes, we can meet by Zoom or phone.

They are tailored to meet your needs, interest, and current condition. One-on-one, personalized sessions and a personal home practice are developed to assist you in working on your own. The first appointment is approximately 90 minutes.

Practice at your own level, balancing challenge with ease. If you are suffering or feeling pain, you are not doing yoga. Pushing or straining to keep up with others will only create resistance, stress, and injury. You will make more progress if you take a compassionate attitude with yourself and work from where you are, rather than from where you think you should be. 

Let your teacher know about injuries and vulnerabilities. Avoid working any area of your body that is inflamed. Skip poses you cannot or should not do, or try a modified version or an alternate posture. 

Avoid eating for two or three hours before class. If you practice yoga on a full stomach, you might experience cramps or nausea, especially in twists, deep forward bends, and inversions. The process of digestion will slow your energy and make you feel lethargic. 

Wear comfortable exercise clothing. Bike shorts or leggings, tank tops or T-shirts are examples. Layers can help you easily regulate your body temperature. 

Bring a yoga mat if you have one. We provide a limited supply of mats, blankets, straps, eye pillows and tissues for your use at no charge. We also sell yoga mats. Bring a towel if you perspire a lot. 

Arrive early. Getting to class 5-10 minutes early can help you settle in and align your attitude with the purpose of the class. 

Turn off watches and cell phones. 

Speak quietly in the practice room. Loud conversations can be distracting to yourself and others. We support and value the building of community, and encourage socializing before and after class. 

Make room for others. Be open to adjusting your space so everyone has room to practice. 

Create an intention. To help you focus, you might find it helpful to dedicate your practice to a certain intention to become more aware, understanding, compassionate, healthy, strong, or skillful. An intention might be for the benefit of a friend, a cause, or even yourself. 

Stay until the end of class. Yoga is a holistic practice. Exercise increases heart rate and blood pressure, and brings blood flow away from organs to skeletal muscles. Relaxation brings heart rate and blood pressure back to normal and returns blood flow to the organs. Final relaxation and integration bring deep healing, balance, and equilibrium. 

Yoga involves conscious awareness of breath with the poses. Each pose is unique and has specific purposes and effects on the body. The breath is used to deepen stretches and flexibility. Focus is the key in Yoga practice.

Yoga classes vary greatly in level of difficulty. Classes range from Gentle Yoga for beginners who need to start slowly, to classes that develop and require more endurance and ability to move comfortably. If you are able to kneel and squat down fairly comfortably, a beginner’s Yoga class is right for you.

Ideally, two times per week. If you do at least two practices at home each week you will experience good, steady results.

Many tools of yoga can be incorporated like physical postures, breath exercises, relaxation, meditation, and sound. 

Whether you’re looking to begin or advance your yoga practice, be healed by the ancient art of ayurveda, or feel your energy restored by a Reiki Master, you can contact Carolina here.